Welcome to the first edition of Brexit Insights. This is a monthly summary of Brexit updates designed to ensure you have a better understanding of how the UK leaving the EU may affect you as a private individual, a business, or both.
The impact of Brexit on mobile employees
Employers need to consider a number of issues with regard to their mobile employees – whether UK individuals working in Europe or EU/EEA employees working in the UK.
This article looks at the specific steps that employers need to consider.- READ MORE
Potential post-transition EORI problems with EU imports and exports
Businesses have been told for some time by HMRC that the trading relationship between the EU and the UK will change in a post-Brexit, post-transition environment. In certain circumstances, these changes are likely to be profound.
In previous articles we have covered the fact that no matter what trade deal is struck in the future, both importers and exporters will face new documentary requirements and the potential for physical customs checks as customs easements are abandoned.- READ MORE
Choosing the ‚wrong‘ INCOTERMS post-transition
Alongside the future trading relationship between the EU and the UK, another important consideration for EU and UK companies is the issues they will face if they act as both the Importer and Exporter of Record (a business model adopted by many companies in existing intra-EU supplies) and use the most relevant INCOTERMS or international shipping terms.
This is especially relevant if a business uses the terms of Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) and Ex-Works (EXW) for their commercial shipping terms. – READ MORE
If you would like to discuss any of the elements explored within these articles, or have wider questions about how Brexit will affect you or your business, please contact us at info@artus.at or visit online the Brexit hub by BLICK ROTHENBERG..