Dame ließt Bilanz
ARTUS Webinar

Read Balance Sheets Correctly

“Numbers are not for women?” “That’s complete nonsense!”, we say. Paula Timofte started with the past lecture on How to Save Taxes. Now we would like to continue with the lecture Read Balance Sheets Correctly. So, take your next step to financial expertise with us.

Annual accounts are not simply – as it may seem, prima facie – data cemeteries. In fact, an abundance of much more useful information can be, as it were, extracted from these mountains of undigested figures as long as you know what to look for. Armed with this knowledge, you will gain an effective control tool for your company and thus be able to consciously influence things.

In our upcoming hands-on lecture (in German language), you will familiarize yourself with the various design possibilities of annual financial statements as well as correctly interpret and – above all – understand key figures. What’s more, we would like to introduce you to some of the risk positions that could be lying dormant in your balance sheets.

  • Cost: Free of charge.
  • Date: Tuesday, June 23rd 2020.
  • Time: 9.00-12.00 p.m.
  • Lecturers: Wolfgang Schmid (ARTUS Partner), Julian List (tax consultant in training)

As the number of participants is limited, we urge you to act promptly and register at events@artus.at.

Should you be unable to attend this webinar, we are delighted to offer you the following uncomplicated solution: simply send us an email to events@artus.at and we will forward you the link to the recording of the lecture. Finally, in order that you will be able to continually benefit from our numerous free future offers, we look forward to keeping you up-to-date with our newsletter.
